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打开棋谱: 选择打开某棋手的棋谱文件。
下一谱 : 从已经打开的棋谱文件选择下一谱进行演示。
上一谱: 从已经打开的棋谱文件回退到上一谱进行演示。
研究/复原: 中断演示过程进行打谱研究/恢复研究时中断的演示棋谱。
保存: 在研究模式下,对输入的个人棋谱进行保存。从第1手就直接打谱,完成后即可保存。
重新开始: 本棋谱回到开始状态。
下一步 : 单步演示下棋进程。
上一步 : 在单步演示和研究模式下棋进程时回退一步。
(自动演示速度:极慢:间隔3.0秒。慢速:间隔1.5秒。 中速:间隔1.0秒。 快速:间隔0.5秒。)

About WeiQiPu
WeiQiPu collects a lot of games played by Chinese, Korean and Japanese top WeiQi players.
Over three hundreds games played by top WeiQi players.
Loads and displays all games from text file off line.
The whole playing process step-by-step demo.
Open: open one player played games.
Next Game: from the game to next.
Prev Game: back to the prev game.
Next Step: from the step to next.
Prev Step: back to the prev step.
Restart: restart the game.
Auto Demo: auto demo the game, press any button to stop.
Self Play: press the button, by touch the screen, you can study the games.
Back: return to the game before "Self play" is pressed.
Save: once you enter the game, press "Self Play", by touch the screen, you play the game your self, after finished, you can save the game as your private collection.
Private: open your private collection.